Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Dear all,

Make sure every woman and even teenagers you care about watch this critical video. Then, remember that the mangosteen is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory ever found. Could the juice prevent this issue…..?? Your call entirely based upon your level of knowledge.

Please watch the attached video.

Very important breast cancer message.
We need to get this out to every young girl and woman we love and care about.


Healthy Juice Recipes

Here are some healthy juice recipes :

( add 1-2 tablespoons of Mangosteen whole fruit juice …Good for the body … heavenly for the tongue )

Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholestrol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce bodu heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana - To regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Health Evaluation Questionnaire

This "Health Evaluation Questionnaire" is adapted* from the book "Getting Started With Mangosteen" by Isa Navarre

*Dr. Templeman recommends taking Mangosteen juice WITH FOOD, up to a half hour before eating. The healing compounds of Mangosteen are enhanced when combined with some fat from food to "bind" with during digestion. Or, take with another supplement that contains essential fatty acids.

This Questionnaire helps us to figure out how much Mangosteen Juice to take
each day -- use it for yourself, or you can copy & paste it into a blank email to send
to others.

TIP: Complete the Questionnaire before taking Mangosteen juice, and then re-take periodically afterwards. You do not have to share this Questionnaire with anyone... it's your own personal record to help you understand what Mangosteen is doing for you.

Health Evaluation Questionnaire

Body Weight: _______________

Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5 and circle your answer:
1 No symptoms
2 Occasional or mild symptoms
3 Frequent, increasing or moderate symptoms
4 Daily symptoms that are tolerable
5 Daily symptoms that are difficult or very painful

1. My eyesight
1 2 3 4 5
2. My hearing
1 2 3 4 5
3. My mouth, gums and teeth
1 2 3 4 5
4. My throat and neck
1 2 3 4 5
5. My back and shoulders
1 2 3 4 5
6. My arms and legs, including elbows and knees
1 2 3 4 5
7. My hands and feet, including wrists and ankles
1 2 3 4 5
8. My circulation
1 2 3 4 5
9. My heart and cardiovascular health
1 2 3 4 5
10. My digestive tract, including stomach and colon
1 2 3 4 5
11. My blood sugar levels
1 2 3 4 5
12. How I feel after I eat
1 2 3 4 5
13. My bowel regularity
1 2 3 4 5
14. My bladder and urinary tract
1 2 3 4 5
15. My lungs and bronchial tubes
1 2 3 4 5
16. Any allergies?
1 2 3 4 5
17. My skin
1 2 3 4 5
18. How I feel when I wake up
1 2 3 4 5
19. How I feel when I go to bed
1 2 3 4 5
20. Who often I have pain anywhere in my body
1 2 3 4 5
21. How often I get headaches
1 2 3 4 5
22. My reproductive organs
1 2 3 4 5
23. My libido
1 2 3 4 5
24. My menstrual cycles (women)
1 2 3 4 5
25. My prostate (men)
1 2 3 4 5
26. My emotional balance and well being
1 2 3 4 5
27. My memory and mental clarity
1 2 3 4 5
28. Any feelings of depression?
1 2 3 4 5
29. My energy level
1 2 3 4 5
30. My stamina (endurance and ability to
withstand stress) 1 2 3 4 5
31. My immune system
1 2 3 4 5

Calculating Your Wellness Index:
Add up the numbers you have circled. Their sum is your Wellness Index.
My Wellness Index number is ________________

Your Mangosteen Dosage Chart
To find your suggested mangosteen dosage, fill in the flanks on the following chart by adding up how many 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's and 5's that you circled.

I circled _________________ 1's

I circled _________________ 2's

I circled _________________ 3's

I circled _________________ 4's

I circled _________________ 5's

If you circled only 1's and 2's, you are probably in very good health. Begin with a Maintenance Dose.
If you circled any 3's but no 4's or 5's, your health is beginning to show signs of challenges. Begin with a Loading Dose and then follow the procedure for taking a Maintenance Dose.
If you circled any 4's, your body needs help right away. Begin with a Health Improvement Dose #1.
If you circled any 5's, your body needs an aggressive approach to health improvement. Begin with Health Improvement Dose #2.

Suggested Amounts for drinking Mangosteen Juice

-- Maintenance Dose.
For those with excellent health.
1. The average Maintenance does for an average adult is one ounce of Mangosteen juice a day. This may be increased to two ounces during times of stress or illness. Take them within a half hour before eating some food.
2. Athletes may prefer to take 2 ounces, and if you are large framed or overweight you may want to take more. If you are small framed or under 100 lbs you may only need an ounce or a tablespoonful a day.

-- Loading Dose
This allows you to address any possible nutritional deficiencies in a much shorter time and to saturate your body with the mangosteen healing compounds.
1. Take two ounces (1/4 cup) of mangosteen twice a day. Take your second dose at least 4-6 hours after the first. If you want or feel you need to, try a third two-ounce dose. Take them within a half hour before eating some food.
2. Follow the Loading Dose for seven days which will require about one bottle of mangosteen.

-- Health Improvement Dose #1
These amounts are for those with chronic, acute or serious conditions, for preparing your body before surgery and helping it to recover afterward, for helping your body to heal after surgery, and so on. This dosage level is if you circled one or more 4's but no 5's.
1. Take four to six ounces of mangosteen a day for at least two weeks. Spread the ounces throughout the day. Take them on an empty stomach, two ounces at a time.
2. When your symptoms improve, reduce your daily dosage to a maintenance level. If your symptoms start to return, resume this procedure.

-- Health Improvement Dose #2
Mangosteen juice. Health Improvement Does #2 is a more aggressive approach. Try it if you circled any 5's.
1. Take eight to twelve ounces of mangosteen a day. The more serious you consider your condition, the higher your daily amount should be. Spread the ounces throughout the day. Take them within a half hour before eating some food, two ounces at a time.
2. When your symptoms improve, reduce your daily dosage by one or two ounces. Take this amount daily for another two weeks.
3. If your symptoms continue to improve, reduce your daily dosage by another ounce or two. Take this amount for another two weeks. Continue to reduce your daily dosage by one to two ounces every two weeks until you reach a daily dosage of three ounces.
4. Complete another copy of the Health Evaluation Questionnaire to help you decide which mangosteen dose to work with next based on your current level of health.
When your symptoms improve, it is important to reduce your daily dosages slowly. We have found when people with serious conditions reduce their amounts of a natural healing substance too quickly they may find not only that the symptoms return but that their body does not respond to the healing substance as effectively as it did before.
Reducing a dosage gradually is essential to give the body time to heal. Just because symptoms are reduced doesn't mean the underlying condition is healed. This can take time, and during that time, mangosteen's support can be invaluable.

INCLUDE the following notes when forwarding this Questionnaire to others:

This "Health Evaluation Questionnaire" is adapted* from the book "Getting Started With Mangosteen" by Isa Navarre

*Dr. J. Frederic Templeman recommends taking Mangosteen juice WITH FOOD, up to a half hour before eating. The healing compounds of Mangosteen are enhanced when combined with some fat from food to "bind" with during digestion. Or, you can also take with the juice with another supplement that contains essential fatty acids.

Mangosteen and Oral Health

The link below demonstrates the effect of the power of Xanthones that was tested by the Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
This link is direct from

1: J Int Acad Periodontol. 2007 Jan;9(1):19-25. Links
Effects of herbal mouthwash containing the pericarp extract of Garcinia mangostana L on halitosis, plaque and papillary bleeding index.
• Rassameemasmaung S,
• Sirikulsathean A,
• Amornchat C,
• Hirunrat K,
• Rojanapanthu P,
• Gritsanapan W.
Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of herbal mouthwash containing the pericarp extract of Carcinia mangostana L on volatile sulfur compound (VSC) levels, plaque index (PI) and papillary bleeding index (PBI) in gingivitis subjects and the recurrence of these parameters after periodontal treatment. METHODS: Sixty subjects who were diagnosed as having mild or moderate chronic gingivitis were randomly distributed into herbal or placebo mouthwash groups. On day 1, all parameters were recorded. Subjects rinsed with the assigned mouthwash and VSC was measured at 30 min and 3 h post-rinsing. For the following 2 weeks, subjects practiced their usual oral hygiene and rinsed with the assigned mouthwash twice daily after tooth brushing. On day 15, parameters were recorded. In the 4-week washout period that followed, subjects received scaling and polishing. After another baseline examination, they were re-randomized into the herbal or placebo group and rinsed with mouthwash for 2 weeks. All parameters were re-evaluated on day 15. RESULTS: All parameters were significantly different compared to baseline in both groups at 30 min, 3 h and day 15 (p < 0.05). When compared between groups, VSC was significantly different at day 15 (p < 0.05). After scaling, poloshing and rinsing with mouthwash for 2 weeks, PI and PBI were significantly different compared to baseline (p < 0.05) while VSC was not (p > 0.05). When compared between groups, VSC was significantly different (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Herbal mouthwash containing the pericarp extract of G. mangostana may be used as an adjunct in treating oral malodor.
PMID: 17274236 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

More and More health benefits found

Here is a list of “potential” benefits you can experience when drinking Mangosteen
Juice. Scientific research on the mangosteen fruit by a number of experts indicates
that it can have well over 100 positive effects. We offer here a partial list of topics that describe some of the potential benefits of drinking Mangosteen Juice.

The World Bank has a think tank of experts who each year consider all of the world's
serious challenges and prioritize them. In 2002, these experts felt that the integrity of the world's water supply was the earth's top problem. However, the number two spot was taken by the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Studies show that Xanthones inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Other experiments have
shown that salmonella typhi, methicillin resistant staphalaccaucas areus and the
tuberculosis bacteria are also destroyed by mangosteen Xanthones.

Systemic fungal infections have increased 800 percent in the past decade, and in
many patients the mortality rate is from 40-60 percent. The Xanthones of the
mangosteen were tested experimentally against three common fungi and were proven capable of effectively inhibiting their growth.

To combat the destructive effect of free radicals upon cells, "antioxidants" are
necessary in large quantities. An antioxidant is an atom or molecule with extra
electrons it can donate to inactivate or "mop up" free radicals. After studying the
antioxidant properties of the mangosteen, researchers in Vietnam discovered that the rind exhibited "potent free radical scavenging activity."

Cancer always begins with a single change in a single cell. Every day the immune
system literally "snuffs out" numerous aberrant cells that could become cancerous.
The anticancer activity of phytoceuticals has been well documented. Catechins, tannin derivatives, found in many plants and in high amounts in mangosteen, have been shown to protect from cancer in at least three different ways:
1) Prevent the formation of carcinogenic compounds by blocking co-carcinogens.
2) Turn up the body's natural detoxification defenses.
3) Directly suppress cancer promotion or growth.
Mangosteen should work well with all cancer treatments and will provide its benefits
without the necessity of stopping other therapies.

Viruses account for the majority of human infections, many of which are acute shortlived illnesses like colds. Other viruses are never eliminated from the body but persist for years in chronic infections. Because Xanthones have anti-viral capabilities,
scientists at the National University of Singapore investigated the effects the
mangosteen Xanthones would have on the HIV virus. In the experiment, two
Xanthones demonstrated the ability to interfere with HIV protease causing the virus to remain immature and incapable of infection.

Asthma is a chronic (long duration) inflammatory disease of the smaller airways of the lungs. Many elements of the immune system are activated in an asthma attack, but they are part of the problem rather than part of the solution in this widespread
disease. In asthma, inflammation and other complex immune system effects cause
recurrent episodes of characteristic wheezing when the small airways of the lungs are narrowed due to the contraction of the muscles in their walls. Asthma can develop at any age but about 50 percent of cases occur in childhood. The majority of the remaining cases start before age 40. It is rare to develop asthma after age 50. The incidence of the disease has been increasing and despite the development of many new medications, the number of deaths from asthma has risen substantially in recent years. Unfortunately, all the medications used to treat asthma have nasty or
dangerous side effects. Bronchodilators cause rapid beating of the heart and can
precipitate panic attacks. Steroids, inhaled and oral, have side-effect profiles that
literally fill several pages in texts dealing with the administration and surveillance of
medicines. Mangosteen Xanthones are powerful anti-inflammatory. They have antiviral qualities that can lead to a reduction in the number of viral infections in humans. They are very potent antioxidants and help to counteract the free radical damage of air pollution, and finally, they have been shown to have anti-allergy effects.

The mangosteen contains Xanthones that are among the most potent antioxidants
known to science. Research has demonstrated the positive effect these Xanthones can have in preventing atherosclerosis. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart that pumps oxygen-rich blood via arteries to every cell in the body, and the veins and capillaries that eventually bring it back to the heart. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), in 1999 cardiovascular disease contributed to one-third of all global deaths. The AHA has estimated that by 2010 cardiovascular disease will be the leading cause of death in developing countries.

Cancer is a blanket term covering a variety of disorders with the common element of
abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth that will not stop on its own. Under normal
conditions, cell growth is strictly controlled with cell birth equaling cell death so that
the total number of cells in the body remains relatively constant. A prominent free
radical researcher, Dr. Bruce Ames, estimates that the DNA material in every one of
the trillions of cells in our body receives about ten thousand hits from free radicals
every day! To prevent a breach of the body's defenses in the face of an attack of such magnitude requires the concerted efforts of all the agents of the immune system, which can be seen as the armed forces of the body, along with the collaboration of the policemen or the gene regulatory mechanism. Mangosteen's Xanthones (phytoceuticals found only in this plant) have proven ability to destroy cancerous cells, and in fact, Garcinone E, a Xanthone, was more effective than five commonly used chemotherapy agents for stomach, lung and liver cancer (vincristine, mitoxantrone, 5- fiourouracil, cisplastin and methotrexate) in a recent well-designed in vitro study.

Where do the mangosteen phytoceuticals intervene in this deadly process? Well, the
answer is that in addition to being anti-tumor agents when cancer already exists, they prevent and arrest cancerous change at every step. Finally, while it is exciting to realize what the mangosteen phytoceuticals will do in the area of cancer treatment, it is more important to prevent the development of cancer in the first place. Nothing does it better than mangosteen.

Scientists from Australia and Thailand have postulated that if mangosteen inhibits
oxidative (free radical) damage, then perhaps it could help with reducing the oxidation of LDL ("bad" cholesterol) in the blood. After a series of such experiments, the scientists concluded that the Xanthones from mangosteen are effective inhibitors of LDL oxidation. They further suggested that the Xanthones possess therapeutic
potential. Several other studies show that polyphenols, also found in the mangosteen, were discovered to be five times more potent as antioxidants than vitamin C, which is commonly regarded as the most powerful known antioxidant. Our bodies are composed of trillions of cells, and the death, mutation or destruction of even millions of cells may not be noticeable to the victim in whose body it is occurring. However, a heart attack or stroke doesn't occur out of the blue. Before such deadly events occur, years of cellular warfare have been going on within the body, and the only evidence of the struggle may have been a simple lack of energy or the loss of a sense of well being.

Nervous System
Few diseases have been in the public eye as consistently as Parkinson's and
Alzheimer's. These terribly debilitating degenerative diseases of the central nervous
system already affect millions, and the incidence is rising yearly. Unfortunately, the
emphasis in research has been on finding cures rather than focusing on prevention.
Once again, Dr. Nakatani's research with glial cells (central nervous system cells)
suggests that mangosteen could produce a therapeutic effect in both the prevention
and treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease by reducing oxidative damage
and inflammation.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPD is the acronym for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a label grouping two
common obstructive lung diseases: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Caused by
smoking, air pollution and occupational exposure, these two entities commonly coexist.

Like asthma, another obstructive lung disease, COPD has been increasing in the U.S.
population over the past couple of decades. Currently, it affects about 15 million
people and is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Chronic bronchitis is defined as chronic cough productive of mucous for at least three months of the year and for at least two years. In emphysema, the obstructive component of the disease results from changes in lung tissue rather than from the increased production of mucous or the presence of chronic inflammation as in chronic bronchitis. Once again, as it does in asthma, mangosteen intervenes at several points in the disease processes of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It’s antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal effects can reduce the frequency of lung infections, thereby reducing cumulative tissue damage. As a result, fewer courses of antibiotic therapy are required.

The anti-inflammatory effects of the Xanthones (active biological ingredients in the
mangosteen) decrease both inflammation and cell damage while helping prevent the
onset of deadly pulmonary hypertension. Since mangosteen extract also has potent
antioxidant effects, it intervenes in every process where free radicals cause cell
damage, whether from the inflammation of chronic bronchitis or the destruction of the elastic recoil of the alveoli in emphysema.

In this topic, we discuss type II diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent, or
adult-onset diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disease, and this description deserves an explanation. Metabolism refers to virtually all of the chemical processes involved in maintaining life. Digestion of food, tissue maintenance and repair and energy
production are only three of the major elements, but they are the metabolic functions most affected by diabetes. Diabetes is due to insufficient insulin to open the cell doors to glucose. Even though type II diabetics produce more insulin than a normal person would need, at least early in the disease, they still do not have enough insulin. They have a relative deficiency of insulin. Glucose doesn't enter the cell in sufficient amounts, and its levels rise in the blood. If the only defect in diabetes was the inability to get enough glucose into cells, it would be bad enough, but that is only half the problem. High blood-glucose levels are extremely toxic. Directly and indirectly, they cause numerous serious problems. Patients using the original mangosteen supplement report:
1) Decreased fasting blood-sugar levels.
2) Decreased 2-hour, postprandial blood-sugar levels.
3) Improved energy levels
4) Decreased appetite and even weight loss.
5) Decreased requirements for hypoglycemic medications.
6) Decreased pain from neuropathy.

Crohns's disease is another chronic inflammatory disease with no identified cause,
which commonly afflicts young people from 10 to 30 years of age. Initially, it may
appear to be ulcerative colitis, however, the masquerade usually ends when this
terrible disease manifests its ability to appear anywhere along the entire Gl tract from mouth to anus. Generally, more debilitating than ulcerative colitis, Crohns's disease is often treated surgically by resecting areas of diseased bowel, which never fully heal and where scarring can cause obstruction. Crohns's disease begins below the mucosa and spreads both inward and outward through the deeper layers of the bowel wall.

Once again, the mainstay of medical treatment is the use of powerful anti-inflammatory medications (like steroids). However, since most cases of Crohns's
involve the small bowel, medications are oral, and their side effects are systemic
(affecting the whole body). As with ulcerative colitis, the mangosteen addresses the
problems of inflammation, immune cell damage, and the threat of infection in Crohn's disease. Diverticulosis is a condition where small outpouchings of bowel mucosa protrude through the outer muscular layers of the large bowel wall. When these tiny sacs become inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis. The disease occurs almost exclusively in the elderly and is far more common in societies like the U.S., where the average diet lacks sufficient fiber. Mangosteen preparations where the whole fruit is pureed should be strained by anyone with a history of diverticulitis. However, the benefits are worth the extra effort as the anti-inflammatory and the ant microbial effects of the mangosteen decrease the frequency of attacks. Perhaps the most widespread use of the mangosteen for folk medicine purposes has had to do with the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Dysentery in the third world has at times reached plague proportions and is always a significant factor in the mortality of infants and children.
Active against GI pathogens, the mangosteen is also used to reduce the inflammation in the intestine, which causes the loss of essential nutrients and body fluids into the stool. In other GI related studies, a laboratory in 1996 demonstrated that the Xanthones, alpha and gamma mangostin, had both histamine and serotonin receptor blocking capacity.

Immune System
The world around us contains all sorts of microbial dangers. Daily, we are confronted
with bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. These organisms are called pathogens, and they invade our bodies at every opportunity. Our body's immune system miraculously orchestrates a complex defense system against pathogenic invaders. However, the immune system is weak at various times in our life, like in infancy and old age, and is affected by nutrition, pollution and many other environmental factors such as the radiation found in sunlight. That is why diet, exercise and supplements, to support and bolster the immune system, play critical roles in keeping our bodies healthy and strong.

While inflammation can affect all tissues in the body, it is the primary mechanism
underpinning diseases, which attack muscles, joints and connective tissue.
Researchers from India used the rind from mangosteen to investigate its effects on
other types of inflammation in the body. Their experiments produced the following
1) Suppression of acute and chronic inflammation and edema in rats.
2) Inhibition of systemic anaphylaxis (fatal inflammatory reaction) in guinea pigs and
3) Inhibition of arthritis in rats.
In another paper studying mangosteen's effect on inflammation, it was noted that the Xanthones do not interfere with the clotting mechanism of blood or produce stomach ulcers. Both of these are serious side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact, it was found that the Xanthones exhibited significant anti-ulcer activity in experimental animals.

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is the leading cause of neurological disability in young adults. It
usually strikes between 20 and 50 years of age with a peak of age 30, and women are afflicted twice as often as men. The central nervous system, meaning the brain and the spinal cord, is the target of this disease, which is both inflammatory and
autoimmune in nature. Other diseases, which belong to the autoimmune category, are rheumatoid arthritis, some forms of hypothyroidism and lupus. While the absolute cause of MS is still not clear, more than 20 infectious agents, both viruses and bacteria, have been linked to its occurrence.

The Xanthones of mangosteen are powerful anti-inflammatory and appear to work by diminishing the damage of inflammation both during and between attacks. Additionally, experiments with powerful antioxidant therapy have shown protective effects upon the myelin sheaths when they are attacked by the immune system. Macrophages, using bunts of free radicals to damage myelin, are major contributors to the pathology of MS, and mangosteen extract has potent antioxidant effects. Finally, the anti-microbial protection of mangosteen can prevent the initial infections that lead to MS as well as prevent recurrent urinary tract and bedsore infections in patients with advanced disease.

Myalgia simply means muscle pain, and there are literally a dozen disease entities as
well as just plain unaccustomed exertion that can cause it. Once severe destruction of the muscle fibers has been ruled out by blood tests, the problem becomes the control of the inflammation that's causing pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDS, are used both across the counter and by prescription to control symptoms.

However, these drugs have nasty side effects, and if used for a prolonged period of
time, they can cause stomach irritation, ulcers, gastro-esophageal reflux and kidney
damage. This is true even of the newer (Cox2) drugs, like Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra.

Even though the danger of stomach problems is less with the Cox2 drugs, the kidney
problems are the same as with the older preparations, like Ibuprofen, Naproxen and
so forth. It makes sense to use side effect-free alternatives. In laboratory studies,
mangosteen extract was found to be a more potent anti-inflammatory agent than
Indomethacin or Dexamethasone, and it is very effective in the treatment of myalgia.

Additionally, it has been found to have helico pylori antibacterial effect and was
observed to heal ulcers in laboratory animals.

As air pollution increases, the incidence of asthma, an allergic/inflammatory disease of the lungs, is rising alarmingly. Both TB and asthma, including all other forms of lung infections, begin with the inhalation of microbes or allergens. A study released in September of 2002 reported that the rind of the mangosteen not only acted as an
anti-inflammatory agent but also as an anti-allergenic agent. This is important
information for asthma sufferers. When you consider that the mangosteen affects both the initial insult and the body's inflammatory response to asthma, it becomes a unique agent in the treatment of the disease. No other single agent can intervene in both disease pathways. Mangosteen alone can be predicted to accomplish what we now use several drugs to do in the treatment of asthma.

Skin Disorders
Skin disorders are usually problems of inflammation, like eczema and dermatitis;
infection, like wounds, ringworm, acne and impetigo; and growth disorders of the
dermis, like psoriasis or seborrhea. Cancer and sun damage make up the remaining
common causes of skin complaints. Mangosteen has once again been used in folk
medicine for centuries to address all of these skin issues.

Natural Mangosteen Miracles

25 Natural Mangosteen Miracles


Mangosteen’s ability to fight fatigue is one of its most sought after benefits. “[Mangosteen] predictably and reliably provides a safe boost of energy or sense of well being”


Chronic inflammation can lead to Type II Diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and other deadly diseases. Xanthones in mangosteen naturally fight inflammation at the cellular level by inhibiting COX 2 enzymes.


In our fat-laden world, our cell membranes are quickly becoming hard and impermeable. The xanthones in mangosteen act to make our cells soft and permeable and able to quickly convert the food we eat into energy. This makes us feel better and helps up lose weight at the same time.


Mangosteen’s pain relieving benefits are helping people all over the world. “I was able to stop using Percocet preparations and heavy doses of anti-inflammatory drugs with which I had been partially controlling the pain of degenerative disc disease in my neck for years. I am now pain free,” shares Dr. Templeman.


Heart disease & arteriosclerosis occur when the elasticity of vessels surrounding the heart is lost. Mangosteen helps to fortify this system of vessels through its antimicrobial & antioxidant effects. When these vessels are healthy & strong, the risk of heart disease decreases.


Mangosteen contains catechins, which have been proven to be multiple times more effective against free radicals then the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E. Dr. Templeman advises, “Use mangosteen as a daily supplement, and you will see the countless antioxidant benefits it has to offer.”1


Hypertension, (elevated blood pressure), is one of the leading causes of arteriosclerosis. Dangerous plaques form and narrow the passageways of the arteries, increasing the risk for heart attack or stroke. Mangosteen has proven effective, especially in those with normal body weight, to lower blood pressure and prevent the onset of pulmonary hypertension.


One of the effects of aging is the natural decline in stomach acid. This leads to increased bacteria in the stomach and causes, diarrhea, cramping, gas, and malabsorption of nutrients. Xanthones in mangosteen have proven to kill this overgrowth of bacteria to improve and restore balance in the stomach.2


Incontinence for women is caused by the natural decline of muscle tone in the pelvis. This decline in muscle tone reduces the bladder’s ability to completely empty itself. As men age, the prostate naturally enlarges, which narrows the urethra and causes some urine to remain in the bladder after urination. Men and women with this condition often experience infection because of retained bacteria in urine not eliminated. The xanthones in mangosteen have a proven natural antibacterial effect, so dependence upon antibiotics can be eliminated.1

An amazing “side effect” of the bacteria-killing xanthones present in mangosteen is their ability to stave off bad breath.


Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system. Mangosteen is an ideal alternative to undesirable asthma medication because of its ability to fight infection, inhibit inflammation and reduce allergic triggers…naturally!


Chronic inflammation is one of the leading causes of Type II Diabetes. Because mangosteen is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, it may help prevent Type II diabetes. With the ability to lower and regulate blood sugar, decrease appetite, improve energy levels and decrease the need for hypoglycemic medications, mangosteen may be the answer for diabetes.


Oxidative damage to the brain is a significant cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other central nervous system diseases. Because mangosteen is one of the best antioxidants it is effective in preventing mental degeneration. Plus, mangosteen has been proven to improve mental acuity.


Mangosteen is being researched non-stop for its possible prevention of cancer. Research has shown that extracts from the mangosteen fruit inhibit the growth of human leukemia cells and also inhibit the rapid growth of cells that trigger breast cancer, liver cancer and other gastric and lung cancer cells. 3


Mangosteen is highly sought after for its natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. As a bonus, it is MUCH more pleasant to use then allergy medications and doesn’t cause undesirable drowsiness.


Scientists have exposed growing bacteria to solutions of mangosteen and have found that mangosteen actually stopped the bacteria from growing. As a result, mangosteen is being hailed, ‘queen of the anti-microbials” for its natural ability to kill bacteria.3


One of the best benefits of mangosteen is its ability to give the user a feeling of well-being. Plus, tryptophan-an essential amino acid- is enhanced by taking daily doses of mangosteen. Tryptophan is directly related to serotonin, which is responsible for sleep, moods and appetite.


Skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and rashes are commonly treated with steroids and anti-fungal creams. Applied topically, mangosteen has proven to fight these skin conditions naturally and without harmful drugs or side effects.


Cataracts and glaucoma are the result of radiation damage to the lens proteins in the eye. These conditions can be prevented by avoiding sun exposure and by supplementation with effective antioxidants such as those contained in mangosteen.


Mangosteen can heal painful mouth sores in as little as 24 hours! Its astringent power and antimicrobial effects work immediately to help promote a healthy mouth and gums.


When low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) in oxidized in the blood stream and arteries, fibrous plaques form. Studies have shown that xanthones reduce the oxidation of LDL, which prevents the plaques from forming. 4


Kidney stones are common, particularly in men. When men first use mangosteen in doses of 3 ounces or more, many will urinate frequently during the following 24 hours. This diuretic effect is helpful with prevention or passing of kidney stones. 1


Mangosteen is a “miracle” fruit that helps prevent and fight many effects of aging: mental degeneration, gastrointestinal distress, arthritis, muscle and joint pain, and eye degeneration.


Mangosteen has shown a remarkable ability, when taken in high doses at the onset of viral infection, to speed up the body’s processes and heal viral infections more quickly. When taken as a daily supplement, mangosteen has also proven effective in preventing viral infections all together.

The rind of the mangosteen is mostly made up of fiber. Fiber pushes waste through the colon more rapidly, preventing constipation and possibly colon cancer. Fiber can also keep cholesterol in check by removing harmful bile acids.


1 A Doctor’s Challenge, A Mangosteen Solution, J. Frederic Templeman, M.D
2 Mangosteen’s Healing Secrets Revealed, Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand
3 Tame the Flame, Mangosteen’s Remedy for Chronic Disease, Sam Walters M.D.
4 Mangosteen: the X Factor, J. Frederic Templeman, M.D.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mangosteen - The Healing Alternative

Hi Folks,

Here is an article I have just come across on Mangosteen :

Mangosteen - The Healing Alternative by Christina Limmer

In 1994, more than 106,000 people died of adverse drug reactions (ADR’s) in the United States alone. These drugs were correctly prescribed and administered to patients in hospitals. This does not count the many thousands more who died when their prescriptions were incorrectly prescribed. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, ADR’s are one of the leading causes of death nationwide each year, falling closely behind cancer (529,904 deaths), and stroke (150,108 deaths). With such staggering numbers it would seem prudent to seriously look at all the alternatives available to us in the health arena.

Garcinia Mangostana, commonly known as the mangosteen fruit, is cultivated in tropical regions around the world. The mangosteen’s anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties have been used for centuries to treat infected wounds and burns, malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and skin disorders. Modern science has recently discovered an active group of molecules called xanthones which are found in the pericarp, or peel, of the mangosteen fruit, that are responsible for many of its healing properties. Xanthones have been found to demonstrate a potent anti-oxidant effect more potent than vitamins C, D, or E.

In 2004, investigators found that the pericarp from the mangosteen fruit not only stopped the growth of breast cancer, it had potent cancer cell death properties through the induction of apoptosis. More easily put, certain xanthones in the mangosteen rind caused cancer cells to commit suicide.

Related studies found xanthones to have chemoprevention potential in human leukemia, liver, lung, stomach, and melanoma cancer cell lines. Scientists tested the mangosteen against 6 of the top chemotherapy drugs currently in use. They found that the mangosteen outperformed all but one chemotherapy agent. The mangosteen’s most obvious effect is its painkilling property.

COX-2, an enzyme produced by our body that causes pain and inflammation, is linked to diseases and disorders such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Crohn’s, and asthma. If we could remove inflammation, we could potentially stop or reduce many problems in our bodies.

In laboratory studies, the mangosteen was found to be a more potent anti-inflammatory agent and pain killer than Ibuprofen or Indomethacin, and as potent as Dexamethasone.

With over 70 years of modern science validating the usage and safety of the mangosteen, and over 2000 years of traditional medical history expounding its qualities, it is time to seriously look at the “Queen of Fruits”.

Hippocrates once said, “Let food be your medicine”. With all the hype around the misuse of antibiotics and the threat of drug resistant viruses, can we really afford not to supplement with mangosteen?

. References

Droge W, Eck HP, Naher H, Pekar U, Daniel V. Abnormal amino acid concentrations in the blood of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may contribute to the immunological defect. Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 1988;369(3):143-148. Ho CK, Huang YL, Chen CC. Garcinone E, a xanthone derivative, has potent cytotoxic effects against hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. Planta Med. Nov 2002;68(11):975-979. Matsumoto K, Akao Y, Kobayashi E, et al. Induction of apoptosis by xanthones from mangosteen in human leukemia cell lines. J Nat Prod. Aug 2003;66(8):1124-1127. Nakatani K, Nakahata N, Arakawa T, Yasuda H, Ohizumi Y. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin E2 synthesis by gamma-mangostin, a xanthone derivative in mangosteen, in C6 rat glioma cells. Biochem Pharmacol. Jan 1 2002;63(1):73-79. Roederer M, Staal FJ, Ela SW, Herzenberg LA. N-acetylcysteine: potential for AIDS therapy. Pharm 1993; 46(3):121-129. Vlietinck A DBT, Apers S, Pieters L. Plant-derived leading compounds for chemotherapy of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Planta Med. 1998;64:97-109. Templeman F. Mangosteen The X-Factor: A comprehensive look at the health benefits, science and xanthones of garcinia mangostana. Sound Concepts, Orem, Utah; 2005. Williams P, Ongsakul M, Proudfoot J, Croft K, Beilin L. Mangostin inhibits the oxidative modification of human low density lipoprotein. Free Radic Res. Aug 1995;23(2):175-184.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mangoustan , un fruit de santé aux effets surprenants


Le Dr Frederic Templeman qui était de passage au Québec dernièrement, a produit un CD en français. Il a tenu à l'enregistrer lui-même en dépit du fait que le français n'est pas sa langue maternelle. Très intéressant comme vous le verrez. Un médecin avangardiste qui comprends bien l'importance de l'alimentation sur la santé. Durée de 45 minutes.
Vous pouvez l'écouter maintenant même sur votre ordinateur en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

Mangoustan - un fruit de santé aux effets surprenants

Le Dr Frederic Templeman qui était de passage au Québec dernièrement, a produit un CD en français. Il a tenu à l'enregistrer lui-même en dépit du fait que le français n'est pas sa langue maternelle.

Très intéressant comme vous le verrez. Un médecin avangardiste qui comprends bien l'importance de l'alimentation sur la santé. Durée de 45 minutes.

Vous pouvez l'écouter maintenant même sur votre ordinateur en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

22 raisons de boire le Jus de Mangoustan

Le Mangoustan, appelé la Reine des Fruits, est cultivé en Thaïlande, en Cambodge, au Vietnam, en Inde, aux Philippines et maintenant au Brésil, en Afrique et dans les Caraïbes. Ce fruit tropical, de la grosseur d’une nectarine, a été utilisé et vénéré pendant des siècles dans la médecine populaire. Maintenant, après des décades de procédés médicaux et scientifiques visant à découvrir pourquoi ce fruit remarquable contribue, à la santé dans une si large mesure - même avec des effets bénéfiques pan systémiques ou de l’organisme entier - le mangoustan est en train d’acquérir de la popularité dans le monde entier. Le Dr J. Frederick Templeman a déclaré, après d’extensives études et revues, de consommation personnelle persévérante, « au contraire des autres plantes médicinales, les phytoceutiques du mangoustan ont été largement étudiés par des chercheurs médicaux et pharmacologiques… Les composants biologiquement actifs ont été rigoureusement examinés en laboratoire … c’est évident que les effets bénéfiques de ce fruit sur la santé sont étayés par des investigations scientifiques….. Je suis convaincu que le mangoustan sera, sans nul doute, le meilleur complément alimentaire existant. »

Le Débat

Les produits pharmacologiques sont conçus en vue d’effets spécifiques sur une fonction physiologique ciblée. Il agissent, et souvent de façon toxique, sur d’autres fonctions. Les suppléments utilisent les propriétés holistiques des plantes - avec souvent des effets bénéfiques combinés ou multiples. Dr Templeman : « De petites quantités a de plusieurs ingrédients actifs concoctées sur un millénaire par Mère Nature, agissant de concert, produisent de puissants effets. »

Pendant des milliers d’années la position de la médecine traditionnelle allait à l’encontre des remèdes populaires (compléments nutritionnels, vitamines et minéraux), mais maintenant le JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) dit : «La plupart des gens ne consomment pas une quantité optimale de vitamines dans leur seul régime …… il semble prudent pour tous les adultes de prendre des suppléments de vitamines.» Le dialogue fera rage pendant beaucoup d’années encore, malheureusement au détriment de l’appréciation des valeurs des deux protagonistes. Il est évident que la réponse est «la modération en toutes choses», et la plupart des américains intelligents connaissent la valeur de chacune des deux parties. La recherche convenable est toujours recommandée.


Actuellement la plupart des gens sont au courant des antioxydants et des radicaux libres. En langage simple, les radicaux libres sont des atomes ou des molécules auxquels il manque un électron. Les radicaux libres sont instables, mais recherchent la stabilité. Ils pénètrent dans l’organisme via l’air (spécialement la fumée des pots d’échappement et des cigarettes), la nourriture que nous mangeons (notamment les aliments usinés), et sont des sous-produits du métabolisme des aliments dans notre corps. Nous ne pouvons pas leur échapper.
Le corps est constitué de cellules, de tissus, d’organes et de system entiers - lesquels devient la proie de ces radicaux libres instables. Ceux-ci attaquent les cellules, comme des vautours ou des piranhas, et provoquent souvent des dégâts irréparables. Les radicaux libres «violent et pillent.» Pratiquement, tous les problèmes de santé connus sont causés par des «polluants, des infections et de mauvaises habitudes alimentaires.» Il est estimé que chacune des milliards des cellules du corps est attaquée plus de 10000 fois par jour. Ces radicaux libres délétères sont présents en abondance partout.

A la Rescousse

Un anti-oxydant est une molécule, ou même un atome seul, avec un (ou des) élection (s) supplémentaires. Les anti-oxydants en grandes quantités sont nécessaires. Ces électrons supplémentaires stabilisent les radicaux libres. Ils nettoient et aident à contrôler les dégâts. Les vitamines C et E contiennent des anti-oxydants. Le système immunitaire du corps en produit un peu, mais « … des substances protectrices puissantes sont présentes seulement dans certaines plantes comme le mangoustan. » De plus, les chercheurs ont découvert que la pelure montrait «une puissante activité anti-radicaux libres. » Le anti-oxydants aident le système cardio-vasculaire, le système gastro-intestinal, le système respiratoire, le système immunitaire, le système nerveux, etc. Les antioxydants du mangoustan sont vraiment « pan systémiques».

Les Xanthones

Une étude pharmacologique universitaire européenne a mis à jour les propriétés bénéfiques et thérapeutiques des xanthones du mangoustan : anti-dépresseur, anti-diabétique, anti-leucémiques, anti-microbien (microbes et champignons) et anti-viraux. Les xanthones, présents en abondance dans le mangoustan, ont été trouvés scientifiquement capables de supprimer la productions cellulaire de cyclo-oxygénase (cox), de réduire l’inflammation, la douleur et la fièvre. Les xanthones sont des composés biologiquement actifs. Le mangoustan contient au moins 24 xanthones naturels. Aucune autre source n’est aussi riche.

Pourquoi Maintenant ?

Plusieurs personnes se demandent pourquoi toutes ces bonnes informations concernant la quantité et la qualités des phytronutriments du mangoustan, voire pourquoi le fruit lui-même est ‘tout d’un coup’ mis à la disposition des gens dans ce pays et dans d’autres pays de l’Hémisphère Nord ?
La raison simple est que le fruit ne supporte pas bien les voyages, et quoique les bénéfices sur la santé ont été utilisés pendant des siècles en aise du sud-est, il a nécessité la découverte, l’impact à distance, et la bonne équipe de personnes et de compagnies pour le rendre commercialement disponible sous forme d’un délicieux mélange, tel qu’il est présenté actuellement. Buvez et appréciez. Votre corps a besoin de ce jus.

Vingt deux,
et le compte continue

Dr James Duke a travaillé pendant 35 ans pour le USDA. C’est un célèbre ethnobotaniste et a mis sur internet une base de données phytochimique et ethnobotanique, maintenant accessible aux médecins et aux non professionnels. Plus de 138 propriétés sophistiquées et effets bénéfiques sur la santé du mangoustan sont catalogués. Quelques-unes des propriétés du mangoustan sont énumérées ci-dessous.

1 Empêche le durcissement des artères (Athérosclérose)

2 Protège le muscle cardiaque

3 Anti Parkinson, Anti-Alzheimer et autres formes de démence

4 Anti-dépresseur – Donne une sensation de bien-être. Il appartient à la même catégorie botanique que le ‘St John’s Wort’ et aide à combattre l’anxiété

5 Empêche et arrête les champignons (anti-fongique)

6 Empêche les infections bactériennes

7 Combat les virus et prévient des infections (anti-viral). Le mangoustan a été utilisé pendant des siècles pour traiter les problèmes dermatologiques comme la dermatite, les infections des plaies, les infections virales, l’acné, etc, etc

8 Empêche les maladies des gencives (anti-périodontite)

9 Anti-Diarrhéique – Dans les études en laboratoire, les xanthones, alpha et gamma mangostin, montrèrent des effets de blocage, des récepteurs d’histamine et de sérotonine, ce qui est anti-allergique et anti-bactérien. Cela amène plusieurs effets bénéfiques au niveau du système gastro-intestinal

10 Diminue la fièvre (anti-pyrétique)

11 Soins des yeux : prévient le glaucome et la cataracte (anti-glaucomique et anti-cataracte)

12 Pan systémique – un effet synergique sur le corps entier. Supplément diététique – aide à maintenir une santé globale du corps

13 Augmente l’énergie – anti-fatigue

14 Anti-vieillissement – encore une fois, favorise la santé

15 Perte de poids – aide et prévient l’obésité

16 Abaisse le taux sanguin des graisses (anti-lipidémique) – Dr Templeman déclare « … le degré d’abaissement du LDL égale ou dépasse celui obtenir avec quelques préparations pharmaceutiques commercialisées …. sans les effets secondaires importants des médicaments anti-cholestérol.

17 Effets bénéfiques anti-tumoraux

18 Cancer : Le mangoustan aide à la prévention du cancer, par ses puissants effets anti-oxydants. Six xanthones, selon une étude préliminaires, étaient capables de tuer des cellules cancéreuses

19 Diminue la pression sanguine

20 Nombreuses références aux « immunostimulants »

21 Abaissement du taux de sucre dans le sang

22 A un bon goût – facile à consommer à la maison, et lors des voyages.

Le Jus du MANGOUSTAN contient deux composantes importante : (1) des anti-oxydants bénéfiques et (2) les propriétés médicinales des Xanthones.

LES XANTHONES sont des composés uniques biologiquement actifs. « Actifs » veut dire qu’ils se combinent avec d’autres molécules, devenant ainsi très bénéfiques pour les systèmes du corps. Les Xanthones peuvent tuer des cellules cancéreuses. Ils pénètrent dans la paroi cellulaire, avec les anti-oxydants, et peuvent même tuer les bactéries intracellulaires avant qu’elles aient le temps d’affecter l’ADN de la cellule. Les Xanthones ne se rencontrent pas isolément, mais incorporés dans d’autres molécules. Il existe 200 xanthones connus, et on en trouve plus de 40 dans le péricarpe du fruit du mangoustan. Aucun autre fruit ou source alimentaire isolée n’en contient autant. Seulement six xanthones ont été étudiés. Il y aura davantage de recherche maintenant que ces propriétés ont été découvertes dans le jus de mangoustan.

Mangoustan et Xanthones

1. Qu'est-ce que le mangoustan?
Le mangoustan (Garcinia Mangostana) est un fruit tropical considéré comme l'un des fruits les plus exquis au goût dans le monde; on l'appelle communément la "reine des fruits". Le mangoustanier pousse principalement en Asie du sud-est, dans des pays comme le Cambodge, la Chine, l'Indonésie, la Malaisie, Singapour, Taiwan et la Thaïlande. Le fruit lui-même parvient à maturité seulement deux fois par année; il est fait d'une écorce lisse, violet foncé, qui abrite 4 à 8 quartiers de chair tendre, de couleur blanchâtre. Plusieurs millions de personnes dans le monde ont utilisé le mangoustan depuis plusieurs centaines d'années pour soulager leurs douleurs, se protéger des maladies, accroître leur énergie, ou, en vertu des ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires naturelles, réduire leur fièvre ou à d'autres fins médicinales.

2. Quels bienfaits le mangoustan procure-t-il?
La plupart des gens connaissent les propriétés antioxydantes des vitamines C et E, mais peu connaissent le pouvoir antioxydant incroyable des xanthones. Les xanthones sont des composés chimiques naturels qui ont récemment faut l'objet de louanges par plusieurs scientifiques et chercheurs. On a étudié les xanthones pour étudier leur potentiel thérapeutique, car ils ont fait la preuve de leurs propriétés pharmaceutiques.

3. Si le mangoustan est si bénéfique, pourquoi n'en ai-je pas entendu parler?
Le mangoustan est inconnu en Amériques du Nord parce qu'il requiert des conditions ultra-tropicales pour croître. Un des rares endroits où il pousse aux États-Unis est Hawaii, où il se vend très cher. À l'occasion, certaines compagnies spécialisées en cadeaux vont expédier des mangoustans congelés pour composer des paniers-cadeaux exotiques. Ces compagnies facturent un supplément pour le fruit. Par ailleurs, au contraire de la plupart des fruits qu'on récolte plusieurs fois par année, il n'y a que deux récoltes annuelles de mangoustan, ce qui le rend plus coûteux et plus difficile à importer.

4. Quelle partie du mangoustan sert à des fins médicinales?
Le mangoustan est composé de trois parties : l'écorce, les graines et la pulpe (c'est la chair sucrée à l'intérieur).Les xanthones et les polysaccharides (les ingrédients médicinaux actifs) sont concentrés dans l'écorce. On en trouve aussi dans la pulpe, mais en concentrations beaucoup plus faibles. C'est pourquoi l'écorce est si importante dans la préparation du produit. On a identifié environ 40 xanthones dans l'écorce, ce qui représente 25 % de tous les xanthones qu'on retrouve à l'état naturel.

5. Que sont les xanthones?

Les xanthones sont une catégorie de nutriments végétaux (phytonutriments). Plusieurs études scientifiques ont montré leur grande valeur nutritive. Reconnus notamment pour leur activité antioxydante, les xanthones neutralisent les radicaux libres dans l'organisme, et renforcent et soutiennent le système immunitaire. Bien que les xanthones existent en petites quantités dans la nature, on les trouve en abondance dans l'écorce du mangoustan. Il y a plus de 40 variétés connues de xanthones dans l'écorce du mangoustan, les deux plus étudiées étant l'alpha-mangoustine et le gamma-mangoustine.

6. Quelle est la principale source de xanthones?
Selon les recherches, le source naturelle la plus concentrée de xanthones se trouve dans l'écorce du mangoustan. La majorité des études cliniques sur les xanthones ont porté sur les xanthones de l'écorce du mangoustan.

7. Le monde a-t-il vraiment besoin d'un nouveau phytonutriment?
Tout à fait! La science des suppléments alimentaires est encore très jeune. De nouvelles études sont publiées constamment pour trouver de meilleures solutions à des problèmes de santé. De plus en plus, la science se penche sur les xanthones à cause de leurs incroyables bienfaits sur l'organisme humain et de leur capacité d'intervenir dans plusieurs problèmes de santé. Chaque industrie, de l'industrie automobile à l'industrie informatique, trouve constamment de nouveaux moyens d'améliorer leurs produits. Les xanthones représentent ce que la science nutritionnelle a trouvé de mieux récemment. Plus qu'un antioxydant de premier choix, les xanthones constituent une catégorie de phytonutriments multifonctionnels qui élève la barre dans le domaine nutritionnel.

8. Qu'est-ce qui rend les xanthones du mangoustan si exceptionnels?
Ce qui est étonnant, c'est que le mangoustan (qui, soit dit en passant, n'a rien à voir avec la mangue) n'a jamais été utilisé en Amérique du Nord ou en Europe pour ses multiples effets bénéfiques sur la santé, malgré son histoire et sa popularité comme remède traditionnel en Asie et en Amérique du Sud. Jusqu'à récemment, c'était l'un des secrets naturels les mieux gardés. Pendant des siècles, les guérisseurs en Inde, en Chine, en Malaisie, en Thaïlande, aux Philippines et au Vietnam ont employé le mangoustan pour ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé. Au cours des 150 dernières années, la plante a été transportée en Afrique, dans les Antilles, en Australie et en Amérique du Sud où tant les chercheurs que les praticiens médicaux ont étudié et mis à profit ses propriétés préventives et thérapeutiques.

Mangoustan et Xanthones

1. Qu'est-ce que le mangoustan?
Le mangoustan (Garcinia Mangostana) est un fruit tropical considéré comme l'un des fruits les plus exquis au goût dans le monde; on l'appelle communément la "reine des fruits". Le mangoustanier pousse principalement en Asie du sud-est, dans des pays comme le Cambodge, la Chine, l'Indonésie, la Malaisie, Singapour, Taiwan et la Thaïlande. Le fruit lui-même parvient à maturité seulement deux fois par année; il est fait d'une écorce lisse, violet foncé, qui abrite 4 à 8 quartiers de chair tendre, de couleur blanchâtre. Plusieurs millions de personnes dans le monde ont utilisé le mangoustan depuis plusieurs centaines d'années pour soulager leurs douleurs, se protéger des maladies, accroître leur énergie, ou, en vertu des ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires naturelles, réduire leur fièvre ou à d'autres fins médicinales.

2. Quels bienfaits le mangoustan procure-t-il?
La plupart des gens connaissent les propriétés antioxydantes des vitamines C et E, mais peu connaissent le pouvoir antioxydant incroyable des xanthones. Les xanthones sont des composés chimiques naturels qui ont récemment faut l'objet de louanges par plusieurs scientifiques et chercheurs. On a étudié les xanthones pour étudier leur potentiel thérapeutique, car ils ont fait la preuve de leurs propriétés pharmaceutiques.

3. Si le mangoustan est si bénéfique, pourquoi n'en ai-je pas entendu parler?
Le mangoustan est inconnu en Amériques du Nord parce qu'il requiert des conditions ultra-tropicales pour croître. Un des rares endroits où il pousse aux États-Unis est Hawaii, où il se vend très cher. À l'occasion, certaines compagnies spécialisées en cadeaux vont expédier des mangoustans congelés pour composer des paniers-cadeaux exotiques. Ces compagnies facturent un supplément pour le fruit. Par ailleurs, au contraire de la plupart des fruits qu'on récolte plusieurs fois par année, il n'y a que deux récoltes annuelles de mangoustan, ce qui le rend plus coûteux et plus difficile à importer.

4. Quelle partie du mangoustan sert à des fins médicinales?
Le mangoustan est composé de trois parties : l'écorce, les graines et la pulpe (c'est la chair sucrée à l'intérieur).Les xanthones et les polysaccharides (les ingrédients médicinaux actifs) sont concentrés dans l'écorce. On en trouve aussi dans la pulpe, mais en concentrations beaucoup plus faibles. C'est pourquoi l'écorce est si importante dans la préparation du produit. On a identifié environ 40 xanthones dans l'écorce, ce qui représente 25 % de tous les xanthones qu'on retrouve à l'état naturel.

5. Que sont les xanthones?

Les xanthones sont une catégorie de nutriments végétaux (phytonutriments). Plusieurs études scientifiques ont montré leur grande valeur nutritive. Reconnus notamment pour leur activité antioxydante, les xanthones neutralisent les radicaux libres dans l'organisme, et renforcent et soutiennent le système immunitaire. Bien que les xanthones existent en petites quantités dans la nature, on les trouve en abondance dans l'écorce du mangoustan. Il y a plus de 40 variétés connues de xanthones dans l'écorce du mangoustan, les deux plus étudiées étant l'alpha-mangoustine et le gamma-mangoustine.

6. Quelle est la principale source de xanthones?
Selon les recherches, le source naturelle la plus concentrée de xanthones se trouve dans l'écorce du mangoustan. La majorité des études cliniques sur les xanthones ont porté sur les xanthones de l'écorce du mangoustan.

7. Le monde a-t-il vraiment besoin d'un nouveau phytonutriment?
Tout à fait! La science des suppléments alimentaires est encore très jeune. De nouvelles études sont publiées constamment pour trouver de meilleures solutions à des problèmes de santé. De plus en plus, la science se penche sur les xanthones à cause de leurs incroyables bienfaits sur l'organisme humain et de leur capacité d'intervenir dans plusieurs problèmes de santé. Chaque industrie, de l'industrie automobile à l'industrie informatique, trouve constamment de nouveaux moyens d'améliorer leurs produits. Les xanthones représentent ce que la science nutritionnelle a trouvé de mieux récemment. Plus qu'un antioxydant de premier choix, les xanthones constituent une catégorie de phytonutriments multifonctionnels qui élève la barre dans le domaine nutritionnel.

8. Qu'est-ce qui rend les xanthones du mangoustan si exceptionnels?
Ce qui est étonnant, c'est que le mangoustan (qui, soit dit en passant, n'a rien à voir avec la mangue) n'a jamais été utilisé en Amérique du Nord ou en Europe pour ses multiples effets bénéfiques sur la santé, malgré son histoire et sa popularité comme remède traditionnel en Asie et en Amérique du Sud. Jusqu'à récemment, c'était l'un des secrets naturels les mieux gardés. Pendant des siècles, les guérisseurs en Inde, en Chine, en Malaisie, en Thaïlande, aux Philippines et au Vietnam ont employé le mangoustan pour ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé. Au cours des 150 dernières années, la plante a été transportée en Afrique, dans les Antilles, en Australie et en Amérique du Sud où tant les chercheurs que les praticiens médicaux ont étudié et mis à profit ses propriétés préventives et thérapeutiques.

Le Mangoustan , la Reine des fruits

Le Fruit

Bien que pratiquement inconnu en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, le mangoustan est si apprécié des peuples qui habitent les forêts tropicales humides qu'ils lui ont donné le nom de "reine des fruits" ou "fruit des dieux". Au milieu du XIXe siècle, la reine Victoria a goûté à ce délice et en a aussitôt fait son fruit favori.
Le mangoustan, reine des fruits

À peu près de la grosseur d'une prune, le mangoustan à maturité présente une écorce lisse et foncée qui abrite un fruit couleur de neige.
Contrairement à la plupart des fruits et légumes récoltés à l'année, le mangoustan n'est récolté que deux fois par an. Et chaque fois, c'est la fête dans les marchés publics envahis par la foule.
Ce sont des gens familiers avec toutes les plantes qui poussent dans les forêts humides. Il y a des millions de variétés de plantes dans le monde, mais seul le mangoustan peut revendiquer le titre privilégié de "reine des fruits".

Bon pour le corps - Un délice pour le palais

De tout temps, on a utilisé le fruit entier du mangoustanier pour combattre la douleur et la fièvre, soigner les infections de toutes sortes et redonner de l'énergie, ainsi que comme anti-inflammatoire naturel.
Mais les habitants du Sud-est asiatique ne sont pas différents de nous. Certes, ils reconnaissaient et valorisaient les bienfaits thérapeutiques du mangoustan, mais ce qui les frappait davantage, c'était le goût. Difficile à décrire, impossible à oublier!
David Karp, rédacteur au Gourmet Magazine, a décrit ainsi la saveur du mangoustan dans un article intitulé "Faites connaissance avec le mangoustan", paru en juillet 2003 :
"J'ouvre une écorce épaisse et voici qu'apparaissent six quartiers translucides couleur de neige, semblables à des petits œufs blottis dans un écrin à bijoux. Une saveur exquise indescriptible, un goût aigre-doux, généreux et raffiné qui fait écho à tous les fruits du monde. Imaginez les saveurs de la chérimole, du litchi et de la pêche réunies en une seule bouchée fondante, humide et parfumée. J'ai enfin compris pourquoi tant de gens considèrent le mangoustan comme le fruit le plus fin du monde et pourquoi la reine Victoria avait promis, dit-on, d'anoblir quiconque lui en apporterait un."

-David Karp, The Fruit Detective, "Faites connaissance avec le mangoustan", Gourmet Magazine, juillet 2003, pp. 88-89.
On trouve des mangoustans partout en Asie du Sud-est et il est possible de s'en procurer au Canada dans des épiceries fines, asiatiques ou exotiques.
Le péricarpe, ou écorce, du mangoustan est particulièrement riche en xanthones, qui constituent la nouvelle génération de phytonutriments. Les phytonutriments sont appelés à révolutionner le monde des suppléments alimentaires. En fait, il y a plus de xanthones dans le mangoustan que dans n'importe quel autre aliment sur la planète!
"À Big Island, à Hawaii, des fermiers convertis en entrepreneurs font pousser ce que des légions de gourmets considèrent comme le saint Graal du royaume des fruits."
David Karp, Gourmet Mag

«Ã€ Big Island, à Hawaii, des fermiers convertis en entrepreneurs font pousser ce que des légions de gourmets considèrent comme le saint Graal du royaume des fruits.»

Un antioxydant plus puissant que toute vitamine connue!

Dans quelques millilitres ou quelques onces, vous obtenez tous les bienfaits des xanthones : une protection antioxydante contre les ravages des radicaux libres, un soutien dans la lutte contre le mauvais cholestérol, un regain d'énergie tout à fait naturel et, en plus, une délicieuse boisson au goût indescriptible.
Un tout nouveau test mis au point par des scientifiques permet désormais de savoir quels sont les meilleurs fruits et légumes pour la santé.
Le mangoustan : plus puissant que des douzaines de fruits réunis ensemble!
Un nouveau test de laboratoire, connu sous l'abréviation ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), a montré qu'une once (35 ml) de jus de mangoustan a de 20 à 30 fois plus de capacité d'absorber les radicaux libres qu'une once de la plupart des autres fruits ou légumes. Le test ORAC est l'un des moyens les plus appropriés pour mesurer la capacité des antioxydants présents dans une certaine substance d'absorber les radicaux libres.

Que dit la recherche au sujet de l'efficacité des xanthones?
La plupart des gens connaissent les propriétés antioxydantes des vitamines C et E, mais peu sont au courant de la capacité antioxydante incroyable des xanthones. Les xanthones sont des composés chimiques naturels dont plusieurs chercheurs et scientifiques ont fait les louanges récemment.
«Les études ont montré que les xanthones ont des effets positifs sur tous les systèmes de l'organisme. De l'augmentation de l'énergie à la protection contre les ravages des radicaux libres, les xanthones présentent une vaste gamme de bienfaits.»
Il y a plus de xanthones dans le mangoustan, surtout dans son écorce, que dans toute autre source de ce composé sur terre! On a étudié les xanthones pour mieux connaître leur potentiel médicinal, car ils ont fait la preuve d'une grand nombre de propriétés pharmaceutiques.
• Favorisent l'équilibre microbiologique
• Maintiennent un système immunitaire fort
• Améliorent la souplesse des articulations
• Suscitent une attitude mentale positive
Comme le mangoustan a été utilisé comme remède traditionnel pendant plusieurs centaines d'années en Malaisie, en Thaïlande et dans d'autres pays du sud-est asia-tique, ce sont surtout des universités en bordure du Pacifique qui ont étudié ce fruit au cours des dernières décennies. Et leurs études ont confirmé l'efficacité de cette plante, corroborant ce que la médecine traditionnelle savait depuis des siècles : le mangoustan, ça fonctionne!
Voici quelques-unes des sources (en anglais) où vous pourrez vous renseigner sur les études indépendantes de tierces parties effectuées sur le mangoustan et les xanthones :
• est un site Internet créé par le Dr J. Frederic Templeman, certifié au États-Unis et au Canada
• contient plus de 1000 références à des études scientifiques et articles vérifiés par des pairs sur les xanthones et 11 sur le mangoustan.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ohio State Study- Dark Fruits Kill Cancer Cells !

GREAT NEWS ! Below you will find an article from Fox News. Go to this link to see it yourself and Print it out.,2933,293829,00.html

By the way...Is this fruit Dark ?

Study: Dark-Colored Fruits and Veggies Fight Cancer
Tuesday , August 21, 2007

The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, so goes the saying.
But it turns out the darker berry or plum or grape, for that matter, the stronger the cancer-fighting properties.
Researchers conducting a recent study found that the compounds that give some fruits and vegetables their rich colors are powerful cancer deterrants.
Evidence from laboratory experiments on rats and on human colon cancer cells also suggests that anthocyanins, the compounds that give color to most red, purple and blue fruits and vegetables, also slow the growth of colon cancer cells.
“These foods contain many compounds, and we're just starting to figure out what they are and which ones provide the best health benefits,” said Monica Giusti, the lead author of the study and an assistant professor of food science at Ohio State University, in a news release.
The findings, which Giusti presented August 19 at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, also bring scientists a step closer to figuring out what gives fruits and vegetables their cancer-fighting properties.
Giusti and her colleagues found that in some cases, slight alterations to the structure of anthocyanin molecules made these compounds more potent anti-cancer agents.
In their studies on human colon cancer cells grown in laboratory dishes, the researchers tested the anti-cancer effects of anthocyanin-rich extracts from a variety of fruits and vegetables. They retrieved these anthocyanins from grapes, radishes, purple corn, chokeberries, bilberries, purple carrots and elderberries.
The plants were chosen due to their extremely deep colors and high anthocyanin content.
The researchers found that the amount of anthocyanin extract needed to reduce cancer cell growth by 50 percent varied among the plants. Extract derived from purple corn was the most potent and used the least amount of extract (14 micrograms per milliliter of cell growth solution) to cut cell numbers in half.
Chokeberry and bilberry extracts were nearly as potent as purple corn. Radish extract was the least potent and it took nine times as much (131 milligrams per milliliter) of this compound to cut cell growth by 50 percent.
“All fruits and vegetables that are rich in anthocyanins have compounds that can slow down the growth of colon cancer cells, whether in experiments in laboratory dishes or inside the body,” Giusti said.
In additional laboratory studies, researchers found that anthocyanin pigments from radish and black carrots slowed the growth of cancer cells anywhere from 50 to 80 percent.
Pigments from purple corn and chokeberries not only completely stopped the growth of cancer cells, but also killed almost 20 percent of the cancer cells while having little effect on healthy cells.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mangosteen and Diabetes

As many as 18.2 million Americans (6.3 percent of the population) have diabetes.

Each year about one million more aged 20 or older are diagnosed with the disorder.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

Antidiabetic activity of a xanthone compound, mangiferin.

Phytomedicine. 2001 Mar;8(2):85-7. Miura T, Ichiki H, Hashimoto I, Iwamoto N, Kato M, Kubo M, Ishihara E, Komatsu Y, Okada M, Ishida T, Tanigawa K. Suzuka University of Medical Science, Mie, Japan.

Mangiferin, a xanthone, lowered the blood glucose (sugar) level in type II diabetic mice. From these findings, it seems likely that mangiferin exerts its antidiabetic
activity by decreasing insulin resistance.

Effect of mangiferin on hyperglycemia and atherogenicity in streptozotocin diabetic

S. Muruganandana, , , K. Srinivasanb, S. Guptaa, P.K. Guptaa and J. Lala
aDivision of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar 243 122, UP, India bDepartment of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Institute of PharmaceuticalEducation and Research, Mohali, Punjab, India Received 8 March 2004; revised 3November 2004; accepted 7 December 2004. Available online 5 February 2005.

In the present study, the effect of mangiferin (a xanthone glucoside, isolated from
the leaves of Mangifera indica) on the atherogenic potential of streptozotocin (STZ)-
diabetes was investigated. In addition, the effect of mangiferin on oral glucose tolerance in glucose-loaded normal rats was also determined. The chronic administration of mangiferin (10 and 20 mg/kg, i.p.) for 14 days significantly as well as markedly improved oral glucose tolerance in glucose-loaded normal rats suggesting its potent antihyperglycemic activity. The accumulating evidences suggest that both pancreatic and extrapancreatic mechanisms might be involved in its antidiabetic or antihyperglycemic action. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that mangiferin possesses significant anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-atherogenic properties thus suggesting its beneficial effect in the treatment of diabetes mellitus associated with hyperlipidemia and related cardiovascular complications.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mangosteen for Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease and stroke

1st and 3rd leading causes of death in U.S.

•About 950,000 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each year, which amounts to one death every 33 seconds.

•About 61 million Americans (almost one-fourth of the population) have some form of cardiovascular disease.

•Stroke alone accounts for the disability of more than 1 million Americans.

Independent Research From Across the World Regarding Mangosteen’s impact on Heart Disease & Stroke.

Chiral 2-amino-1-butanol xanthone derivatives as potential antiarrhythmic and hypotensive agents.

Acta Pol Pharm. 1999 Jan-Feb;56(1):87-90. Librowski T, Czarnecki R, Jastrzebska M. Department of Pharmacodynamics, Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Synthesis and antithrombotic effect of xanthone derivatives. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1996 Sep;48(9):887-90.

Lin CN, Hsieh HK, Liou SJ, Ko HH, Lin HC, Chung MI, Ko FN, Liu HW, Teng CM.
School of Pharmacy, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical College, Taiwan,

Researchers studied several xanthone derived compounds and found them to possess potent antithrombotic (anti clotting) activities.

Mechanism of vasorelaxation of thoracic aorta caused by xanthone.

Eur J Pharmacol. 1997 Oct 1;336(1):23-8. Cheng YW, Kang JJ. Institute of Toxicology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei.

The researchers showed vasorelaxation (relaxing of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure) activity of the xanthones studied.

Antiplatelets activity of some xanthone derivatives.

Acta Pol Pharm. 1999 Jul-Aug;56(4):319-24. Rajtar G, Zolkowska D, Kleinrok Z, Marona H. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical University School, Lublin, Poland.

Researchers studied the effects of twelve xanthone derived compounds on platelet aggregation. They found five of them inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation (clot formation).

Antihypertensive and vasorelaxing activities of Synthetic xanthone derivatives.
Bioorg Med Chem. 2002 Mar;10(3):567-72. Wang LW, Kang JJ, Chen IJ, Teng CM, Lin
CN. School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 807, ROC.

The researchers studied a series of xanthones and related compounds. The antihypertensive (against high blood pressure) and vasorelaxing (relaxing of the blood vessels to prevent high blood pressure) activity of compounds on cardiovascular system was evaluated. All the compounds tested exhibited effective hypotensive (lower blood pressure) activity in anesthetized rats.

Relationship between protective effect of xanthone on endothelial cells and endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitors.

Bioorg Med Chem. 2003 Nov 17;11(23):5171-7. Jiang DJ, Hu GY, Jiang JL, Xiang HL, Deng HW, Li YJ. Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University, Cha ngsha 410078, China.

The researchers found that xanthone preserved endothelial cells inhibited the increased adhesion of monocytes to endothelial cells induced by oxidized LDL. This is especially important in preventing plaque formation and the subsequent blockage of arteries and heart disease.

Inhibition of lipoprotein oxidation by prenylated xanthones derived from mangostin.

Free Radic Res. 2000 Nov;33(5):643-59. Mahabusarakam W, Proudfoot J, Taylor W, Croft K.
Chemistry Department, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand.

Oxidative damage is thought to play a critical role in cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.

This has led to considerable interest in the antioxidant activity of dietary compounds. The researchers have previously shown that the xanthone, mangostin (found in mangosteen fruit), can inhibit the oxidation of LDL, low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol). Researchers studied more xanthone derived compounds and found enhanced antioxidant

Note: If the oxidation of LDL cholesterol can be prevented or inhibited, then the LDL-cholesterol cannot exert its “bad” effect and cause heart disease.

Mangostin inhibits the oxidative modification of human low density lipoprotein.

Free Radic Res. 1995 Aug;23(2):175-84. Williams P, Ongsakul M, Proudfoot J, Croft
K, Beilin L. University of Western Australia, Department of Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital, Australia.

The oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) may play an important role in atherosclerosis. The researchers investigated the possible antioxidant effects of mangostin,
isolated from Garcinia mangostana (found in mangosteen fruit), on the oxidation of human LDL (bad cholesterol). From these results, it is concluded that mangostin is acting
as a free radical scavenger (“mop up” sponge) to protect the LDL from oxidative damage in this in vitro system. In other words, it is a potent antioxidant.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Special NOTE to Chiropractors & Health Professionals prescribing Vioxx, Celebrex, or Bextra

Xanthones are proven* to provide natural relief via direct inhibition of
the COX II enzymes.

In general (especially in Chiropractic medicine), most musculo-skeletal conditions are a result of one or two types of injuries -- either a traumatic condition or a repetitive condition such as carpal tunnel...

But all musculo-skeletal conditions have one thing in common --inflammation.

The inflammatory process comes at a time when tissues are going through the
natural process of disrepair. Cells have been damaged, and the end result of that
damage is the production of hormone-like molecules called prostaglandins, which
cause pain and inflammation.

The intermediate of this process is an enzyme called Cox II. The Cox II enzyme is what actually starts the inflammation, swelling and pain.

Good News... we now have XANTHONES!

In Chiropractic, the NUMBER-ONE course of action is the restoration of joint and nerve stability by the use of manipulation.

While the reduction of interim and chronic pain and inflammation can contribute to
successful treatment, this must be accomplished without harm or stress to the
liver or other body systems.

Xanthones are naturally occurring biochemically active agents found in high
concentration in the mangosteen fruit.

These Xanthones have been INDEPENDENTLY researched for decades with
direct* evidence of their profound and diverse health giving properties.

*Over 40 Xanthones have been identified in the fruit and pericarp of the

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mangosteen: A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

The mangosteen, while definitely one of the most powerful natural antioxidants yet discovered, contains a host of other benefits that in some ways are even more exciting.
The mangosteen's anti-inflammatory xanthones are probably responsible for providing more immediate relief than any other phytonutrients found in the fruit.
Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand has this to say:
"This is probably the most famous use of all the qualities found in the mangosteen: it is by far the most powerful anti-inflammatory I have ever seen in 30 years of practice. Research has proven this to be true, along with folk medicine history."
Dr. Frederic Templeman tells us that the anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen have been compared in strength to one of the most potent anti-inflammatory prescription drugs, Dexamethasone. In his words, "this drug knocks the socks off Vioxx in terms of potency." The following excerpt taken from the audio "The Miracle Mangosteen" is available at
[NOTE: Since making the above statement about Vioxx (Dexamethasone), that drug was pulled from the market as of September 30, 2004, due to its possible adverse side effects, see below.]

Just look at this list of possible adverse side effects from the above mentioned drug (Dexamethasone)!
- upset stomach
- stomach irritation
- vomiting
- headache
- dizziness
- insomnia
- restlessness
- depression
- anxiety
- acne
- increased hair growth
- easy bruising
- irregular or absent menstrual periods
If you experience any of the following symptoms when using prescriptions, call your doctor immediately:
- skin rash
- edema (swollen face, lower legs, or ankles)
- vision problems
- persistent cold or infection
- muscle weakness
- black or bloody stool
The Mangosteen has NONE of those side effects!

Do you realize what this means?
Inflammation plays a huge role in an incredible array of common ailments:
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Heart attack
- Headache
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Circulatory Impairment
- any kind of infection
- and many more
While inflammation can affect all tissues in the body, it is the primary mechanism underpinning diseases which attack muscles, joints and connective tissue.

Inflammation is the PRIMARY cause of PAIN!

What are the qualities of an ideal health supplement?
- Effective, it works!
- Safe, no adverse side affects
- No contraindications with medications
- Prevention
- Has broad applications
Take a closer look and you will find that the mangosteen measures up in ALL categories.

How Safe is Mangosteen?

Toxicity studies were done in the laboratory with rats, using the human equivalent of 3 liters of mangosteen juice per day, with no adverse behavioral or tissue effects noted.
Also, there are no historical records of any folk medicine warnings after centuries of medicinal use of the plant in SouthEast Asia.
It is always recommended that you consult your physician, if you have a known medical condition or allergy before using any food supplement. Mangosteen is safe for use by children and adults under almost any condition.

Inflammation - The Secret Killer

“Hardly a week goes by without the publication of yet another study uncovering a new way that chronic inflammation does harm to the body.” - Time Magazine, Feb 2004

Inflammation has been linked to these and other diseases: Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, Parkinson’s, uterine cancer, allergies, respiratory disease, heart disease, hypoglycemia, breast cancer, high cholesterol, degenerative arthritis, colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, Crohn’s disease, and osteoporosis.

“One study showed mangosteen was a more potent anti-inflammatory agent than several prescription anti-inflammatory medications currently used for arthritis.” - Dr. Sam Walters, Tame the Flame

Monday, Feb. 23, 2004
The Fires Within
By Christine Gorman and Alice Park

What does a stubbed toe or a splinter in a finger have to do with your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, suffering a heart attack or succumbing to colon cancer? More than you might think. As scientists delve deeper into the fundamental causes of those and other illnesses, they are starting to see links to an age-old immunological defense mechanism called inflammation—the same biological process that turns the tissue around a splinter red and causes swelling in an injured toe. If they are right—and the evidence is starting to look pretty good—it could radically change doctors' concept of what makes us sick. It could also prove a bonanza to pharmaceutical companies looking for new ways to keep us well.

Most of the time, inflammation is a lifesaver that enables our bodies to fend off various disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. (Yes, even in the industrialized world, we are constantly bombarded by pathogens.) The instant any of these potentially deadly microbes slips into the body, inflammation marshals a defensive attack that lays waste to both invader and any tissue it may have infected. Then just as quickly, the process subsides and healing begins.

Every once in a while, however, the whole feverish production doesn't shut down on cue. Sometimes the problem is a genetic predisposition; other times something like smoking or high blood pressure keeps the process going. In any event, inflammation becomes chronic rather than transitory. When that occurs, the body turns on itself—like an ornery child who can't resist picking a scab—with aftereffects that seem to underlie a wide variety of diseases.

Suddenly, inflammation has become one of the hottest areas of medical research. Hardly a week goes by without the publication of yet another study uncovering a new way that chronic inflammation does harm to the body. It destabilizes cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries, leading to heart attacks and potentially even strokes. It chews up nerve cells in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. It may even foster the proliferation of abnormal cells and facilitate their transformation into cancer. In other words, chronic inflammation may be the engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age.

This concept is so intriguing because it suggests a new and possibly much simpler way of warding off disease. Instead of different treatments for, say, heart disease, Alzheimer's and colon cancer, there might be a single, inflammation-reducing remedy that would prevent all three.

Chronic inflammation also fascinates scientists because it indicates that our bodies may have, from an evolutionary perspective, become victims of their own success. "We evolved as a species because of our ability to fight off microbial invaders," says Dr. Peter Libby, chief of cardiovascular medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "The strategies our bodies used for survival were important in a time when we didn't have processing plants to purify our water, when we didn't have sewers to protect us."

But now that we are living longer, those same inflammatory strategies are more likely to slip beyond our control. Making matters worse, it appears that many of the attributes of a Western lifestyle—such as a diet high in sugars and saturated fats, accompanied by little or no exercise—also make it easier for the body to become inflamed.

At least that's the theory. For now, most of the evidence is circumstantial. (A few researchers think chronic inflammation can in some cases be good for you.) But that hasn't stopped doctors from testing the anti-inflammatory drugs that are already on pharmacy shelves to see if they have any broader benefits. What they've found is encouraging:

In 2000 researchers concluded that patients who take Celebrex, a prescription drug from Pfizer that was originally designed to treat inflammation in arthritis, are less likely to develop intestinal polyps—abnormal growths that can become cancerous. Now there are dozens of clinical trials of Celebrex, testing, among other things, whether the medication can also prevent breast cancer, delay memory loss or slow the progression of the devastating neurodegenerative disorder known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

As cardiologists gain more experience prescribing cholesterol-lowering statins, they are discovering that the drugs are more effective at preventing heart attacks than anyone expected. It turns out that statins don't just lower cholesterol levels; they also reduce inflammation. Now statins are being tested for their anti-inflammatory effects on Alzheimer's disease and sickle-cell anemia.

DeCode Genetics, an Icelandic biotech firm, announced last week that it is launching a pilot study to test whether an anti-inflammatory drug that was under development for use in treating asthma might work to prevent heart attacks.

Of course the granddaddy of all anti-inflammatories is aspirin, and millions of Americans already take it to prevent heart attacks. But evidence is growing that it may also fight colon cancer and even Alzheimer's by reducing inflammation in the digestive tract and the brain.

This new view of inflammation is changing the way some scientists do medical research. "Virtually our entire R.-and-D. effort is [now]focused on inflammation and cancer," says Dr. Robert Tepper, president of research and development at Millennium Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Mass. In medical schools across the U.S., cardiologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, allergists and neurologists are all suddenly talking to one another—and they're discovering that they're looking at the same thing. The speed with which researchers are jumping on the inflammation bandwagon is breathtaking. Just a few years ago, "nobody was interested in this stuff," says Dr. Paul Ridker, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital who has done some of the groundbreaking work in the area. "Now the whole field of inflammation research is about to explode."

To understand better what all the excitement is about, it helps to know a little about the basic immunological response, a cascade of events triggered whenever the body is subjected to trauma or injury. As soon as that splinter slices into your finger, for example, specialized sentinel cells prestationed throughout the body alert the immune system to the presence of any bacteria that might have come along for the ride. Some of those cells, called mast cells, release a chemical called histamine that makes nearby capillaries leaky. This allows small amounts of plasma to pour out, slowing down invading bacteria, and prepares the way for other faraway immune defenders to easily enter the fray. Meanwhile, another group of sentinels, called macrophages, begin an immediate counterattack and release more chemicals, called cytokines, which signal for reinforcements. Soon, wave after wave of immune cells flood the site, destroying pathogens and damaged tissue alike—there's no carrying the wounded off the battlefield in this war. (No wonder the ancient Romans likened inflammation to being on fire.)

Doctors call this generalized response to practically any kind of attack innate immunity. Even the bodies of animals as primitive as starfish defend themselves this way. But higher organisms have also developed a more precision-guided defense system that helps direct and intensify the innate response and creates specialized antibodies, custom-made to target specific kinds of bacteria or viruses. This so-called learned immunity is what enables drug companies to develop vaccines against diseases like smallpox and the flu. Working in tandem, the innate and learned immunological defenses fight pitched battles until all the invading germs are annihilated. In a final flurry of activity, a last wave of cytokines is released, the inflammatory process recedes, and healing begins.

Problems begin when, for one reason or another, the inflammatory process persists and becomes chronic; the final effects are varied and depend a lot on where in the body the runaway reaction takes hold. Among the first to recognize the broader implications were heart doctors who noticed that inflammation seems to play a key role in cardiovascular disease.

Is Your Heart on Fire?
Not long ago, most doctors thought of heart attacks as primarily a plumbing problem. Over the years, fatty deposits would slowly build up on the insides of major coronary arteries until they grew so big that they cut off the supply of blood to a vital part of the heart. A complex molecule called LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol, provided the raw material for these deposits. Clearly anyone with high LDL levels was at greater risk of developing heart disease.

There's just one problem with that explanation: sometimes it's dead wrong. Indeed, half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. Not only that, as imaging techniques improved, doctors found, much to their surprise, that the most dangerous plaques weren't necessarily all that large. Something that hadn't yet been identified was causing those deposits to burst, triggering massive clots that cut off the coronary blood supply. In the 1990s, Ridker became convinced that some sort of inflammatory reaction was responsible for the bursting plaques, and he set about trying to prove it.

To test his hunch, Ridker needed a simple blood test that could serve as a marker for chronic inflammation. He settled on C-reactive protein (CRP), a molecule produced by the liver in response to an inflammatory signal. During an acute illness, like a severe bacterial infection, levels of CRP quickly shoot from less than 10 mg/L to 1,000 mg/L or more. But Ridker was more interested in the low levels of CRP—less than 10 mg/L—that he found in otherwise healthy people and that indicated only a slightly elevated inflammation level. Indeed, the difference between normal and elevated is so small that it must be measured by a specially designed assay called a high-sensitivity CRP test.

By 1997, Ridker and his colleagues at Brigham and Women's had shown that healthy middle-aged men with the highest CRP levels were three times as likely to suffer a heart attack in the next six years as were those with the lowest CRP levels. Eventually, inflammation experts determined that having a CRP reading of 3.0 mg/L or higher can triple your risk of heart disease. The danger seems even greater in women than in men. By contrast, folks with extremely low levels of CRP, less than 0.5 mg/L, rarely have heart attacks.

Physicians still don't know for sure how inflammation might cause a plaque to burst. But they have a theory. As the level of LDL cholesterol increases in the blood, they speculate, some of it seeps into the lining of the coronary arteries and gets stuck there. Macrophages, alerted to the presence of something that doesn't belong, come in and try to clean out the cholesterol. If, for whatever reason, the cytokine signals begin ramping up the inflammatory process instead of notching it down, the plaque becomes unstable. "This is not about replacing cholesterol as a risk factor," Ridker says. "Cholesterol deposits, high blood pressure, smoking—all contribute to the development of underlying plaques. What inflammation seems to contribute is the propensity of those plaques to rupture and cause a heart attack. If there is only inflammation but no underlying heart disease, then there is no problem."

At this point, cardiologists are still not ready to recommend that the general population be screened for inflammation levels. But there's a growing consensus that CRP should be measured in those with a moderately elevated risk of developing cardiovascular disease. At the very least, a high CRP level might tip the balance in favor of more aggressive therapy with treatments—such as aspirin and statins—that are already known to work.

A New View of Diabetes
Before Dr. Frederick Banting and his colleagues at the University of Toronto isolated insulin in the 1920s, doctors tried to treat diabetes with high doses of salicylates, a group of aspirin-like compounds. (They were desperate and also tried morphine and heroin.) Sure enough, the salicylate approach reduced sugar levels, but at a high price: side effects included a constant ringing in the ears, headaches and dizziness. Today's treatments for diabetes are much safer and generally work by replacing insulin, boosting its production or helping the body make more efficient use of the hormone. But researchers over the past few years have been re-examining the salicylate approach for new clues about how diabetes develops.

What they have discovered is a complex interplay between inflammation, insulin and fat—either in the diet or in large folds under the skin. (Indeed, fat cells behave a lot like immune cells, spewing out inflammatory cytokines, particularly as you gain weight.) Where inflammation fits into this scenario—as either a cause or an effect—remains unclear. But the case for a central role is getting stronger. Dr. Steve Shoelson, a senior investigator at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, has bred a strain of mice whose fat cells are supercharged inflammation factories. The mice become less efficient at using insulin and go on to develop diabetes. "We can reproduce the whole syndrome just by inciting inflammation," Shoelson says.

That suggests that a well-timed intervention in the inflammatory process might reverse some of the effects of diabetes. Some of the drugs that are already used to treat the disorder, like metformin, may work because they also dampen the inflammation response. In addition, preliminary research suggests that high CRP levels may indicate a greater risk of diabetes. But it's too early to say whether reducing CRP levels will actually keep diabetes at bay.

Cancer: The Wound That Never Heals
Back in the 1860s, renowned pathologist Rudolf Virchow speculated that cancerous tumors arise at the site of chronic inflammation. A century later, oncologists paid more attention to the role that various genetic mutations play in promoting abnormal growths that eventually become malignant. Now researchers are exploring the possibility that mutation and inflammation are mutually reinforcing processes that, left unchecked, can transform normal cells into potentially deadly tumors.

How might that happen? One of the most potent weapons produced by macrophages and other inflammatory cells are the so-called oxygen free radicals. These highly reactive molecules destroy just about anything that crosses their path—particularly dna. A glancing blow that damages but doesn't destroy a cell could lead to a genetic mutation that allows it to keep on growing and dividing. The abnormal growth is still not a tumor, says Lisa Coussens, a cancer biologist at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, San Francisco. But to the immune system, it looks very much like a wound that needs to be fixed. "When immune cells get called in, they bring growth factors and a whole slew of proteins that call other inflammatory cells," Coussens explains. "Those things come in and go 'heal, heal, heal.' But instead of healing, you're 'feeding, feeding, feeding.'"

Sometimes the reason for the initial inflammatory cycle is obvious—as with chronic heartburn, which continually bathes the lining of the esophagus with stomach acid, predisposing a person to esophageal cancer. Other times, it's less clear. Scientists are exploring the role of an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) in the development of colon cancer. COX-2 is yet another protein produced by the body during inflammation.

Over the past few years, researchers have shown that folks who take daily doses of aspirin—which is known to block COX-2—are less likely to develop precancerous growths called polyps. The problem with aspirin, however, is that it can also cause internal bleeding. Then in 2000, researchers showed that Celebrex, another COX-2 inhibitor that is less likely than aspirin to cause bleeding, also reduces the number of polyps in the large intestine.

So, should you be taking Celebrex to prevent colon cancer? It's still too early to say. Clearly COX-2 is one of the factors in colon cancer. "But I don't think it's the exclusive answer," says Ray DuBois, director of cancer prevention at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville, Tenn. "There are a lot of other components that need to be explored."

Aspirin for Alzheimer's Disease?
When doctors treating Alzheimer's patients took a closer look at who seemed to be succumbing to the disease, they uncovered a tantalizing clue: those who were already taking anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis or heart disease tended to develop the disorder later than those who weren't. Perhaps the immune system mistakenly saw the characteristic plaques and tangles that build up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients as damaged tissue that needed to be cleared out. If so, the ensuing inflammatory reaction was doing more harm than good. Blocking it with anti-inflammatories might limit, or at least delay, any damage to cognitive functions.

The most likely culprits this time around are the glial cells, whose job is to nourish and communicate with the neurons. Researchers have discovered that glial cells can also act a lot like the mast cells of the skin, producing inflammatory cytokines that call additional immune cells into action. "The glial cells are trying to return the brain to a normal state," explains Linda Van Eldik, a neurobiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. "But for some reason, in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, the process seems to be out of control. You get chronic glial activation, which results in an inflammatory state."

It appears that some people are more sensitive to plaques and tangles than others. Perhaps they have a genetic predisposition. Or perhaps a long-running bacterial infection, like gum disease, keeps the internal fires burning and tips the balance toward chronic inflammation.

Preliminary research suggests that low-dose aspirin and fish-oil capsules—both of which are known to reduce inflammatory cytokines—seem to reduce a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, most of these preventive measures need to be started well before any neurological problems develop. "What we've learned with dementia is that it's very hard to improve people who already have it," says Dr. Ernst Schaefer, a professor of medicine and nutrition at Tuft's Friedman School of Nutrition in Boston. "But it may be possible to stabilize people and to prevent disease."

When the Body Attacks Itself
No doctors have more experience treating chronic inflammation than the physicians who specialize in rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus and other autoimmune disorders. For decades these diseases have provided the clearest example of a body at war with itself. But the spark that fuels their internal destruction doesn't come from excess cholesterol deposits or a stubborn bacterial infection. Instead, in a bizarre twist of fate, the body's supersophisticated, learned immunological defenses mistakenly direct an inflammatory attack against healthy cells in such places as the joints, nerves and connective tissue.

Over the past few years, powerful drugs like Remicade and Enbrel, which target specific inflammatory cytokines, have worked wonders against rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders. But as often happens in medicine, the drugs have also created some problems. Patients who take Remicade, for example, are slightly more likely to develop tuberculosis; the same inflammatory cytokines that attacked their joints, it seems, also protected them against TB.

Inflammation may be more of a problem in the earlier stages of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis. So much tissue is eventually destroyed that nerve damage becomes permanent. "Your initial goal is to keep the immune response in check, but then you have to ask how you encourage regrowth of damaged tissue," says Dr. Stephen Reingold, vice president for research programs at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. It could take decades to figure that one out.

Asthma Without Allergies?
One of the most intriguing questions in immunology today is why everyone doesn't suffer from asthma. After all, the air we breathe is full of germs, viruses and other irritants. Since half of the 17 million Americans with asthma are hypersensitive to common substances like cat dander or pollen, it stands to reason that their allergic reactions trigger the chronic inflammation in their bodies. Yet the people who develop asthma as adults—one of the most rapidly growing segments of the population—often don't have allergies. Doctors still don't know what's driving their disease, but the signs of inflammation are every bit as present in their lungs.

Many treatments for asthma are designed to control inflammation, although they still don't cure the disease. "It may mean that the inflammatory hypothesis is not entirely correct or the drugs that we use to treat inflammation aren't fully potent," says Dr. Stephen Wasserman, an allergist at the University of California at San Diego. "There are a lot of gaps to fill in."

Everywhere they turn, doctors are finding evidence that inflammation plays a larger role in chronic diseases than they thought. But that doesn't necessarily mean they know what to do about it. "We're in a quandary right now," says Dr. Gailen Marshall, an immunologist at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. "We're advancing the idea to heighten awareness. But we really can't recommend specific treatments yet."

That may soon change. Researchers are looking beyond aspirin and other multipurpose medications to experimental drugs that block inflammation more precisely. Any day now, Genentech is expecting a decision from the fda on its colon-cancer drug, Avastin, which targets one of the growth factors released by the body as inflammation gives way to healing. Millennium Pharmaceuticals is testing a different kind of drug, called Velcade, which has already been approved for treating multiple myeloma, against lung cancer and other malignancies. But there is a sense that much more basic research into the nature of inflammation needs to be done before scientists understand how best to limit the damage in chronic diseases.

In the meantime, there are things we all can do to dampen our inflammatory fires. Some of the advice may sound terribly familiar, but we have fresh reasons to follow through. Losing weight induces those fat cells—remember them?—to produce fewer cytokines. So does regular exercise, 30 minutes a day most days of the week. Flossing your teeth combats gum disease, another source of chronic inflammation. Fruits, vegetables and fish are full of substances that disable free radicals.

So if you want to stop inflammation, get off that couch, head to the green market and try not to stub your toe on the way.

With reporting by Dan Cray/Los Angeles

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