man•go•steen – n. 1. an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia that has leathery leaves and large edible fruit. Latin name: Garcinia mangostana 2. the fruit with a hard, reddish-brown rind and sweet, juicy pulp produced by the mangosteen tree. Also known as “Queen of Fruits.”

pulp – n. soft of fleshy plant tissue such as the inner part of a fruit or vegetable.
per•i•carp – n. the part of a fruit that surround the seed or seeds, including the skin or rind.
an•ti•ox•i•dant – n. any substance that inhibits the destructive effects of oxidation.
xan•thone – n. C13H8O2 a unique class of biologically active compounds possessing numerous bioactive capabilities, such as antioxidant properties. Xanthones—found in the whole mangosteen fruit—may help maintain intestinal health, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system.*
phy•to•nu•tri•ent – n. derived from the Greek word phyto (plant) and nutrient (a constituent of food necessary for normal physiological function), phytonutrients—also known as phytochemicals—are natural, bioactive compounds found in plant foods.
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