Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Special NOTE to Chiropractors & Health Professionals prescribing Vioxx, Celebrex, or Bextra

Xanthones are proven* to provide natural relief via direct inhibition of
the COX II enzymes.

In general (especially in Chiropractic medicine), most musculo-skeletal conditions are a result of one or two types of injuries -- either a traumatic condition or a repetitive condition such as carpal tunnel...

But all musculo-skeletal conditions have one thing in common --inflammation.

The inflammatory process comes at a time when tissues are going through the
natural process of disrepair. Cells have been damaged, and the end result of that
damage is the production of hormone-like molecules called prostaglandins, which
cause pain and inflammation.

The intermediate of this process is an enzyme called Cox II. The Cox II enzyme is what actually starts the inflammation, swelling and pain.

Good News... we now have XANTHONES!

In Chiropractic, the NUMBER-ONE course of action is the restoration of joint and nerve stability by the use of manipulation.

While the reduction of interim and chronic pain and inflammation can contribute to
successful treatment, this must be accomplished without harm or stress to the
liver or other body systems.

Xanthones are naturally occurring biochemically active agents found in high
concentration in the mangosteen fruit.

These Xanthones have been INDEPENDENTLY researched for decades with
direct* evidence of their profound and diverse health giving properties.

*Over 40 Xanthones have been identified in the fruit and pericarp of the

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Jane Eaton and i would like to show you my personal experience with Celebrex.

I have taken for 11 months. I am 39 years old. Celebrex works too well, which is why it is so dangerous. It is one of the most effective things you can take for arthritis-type issues, and for controlling inflammation/pain after knee surgery. But the side effects are very extreme: intestinal bleeding/perforation, heart problems, and liver toxicity. I am allergic to Ibuprofen and Alleve, so Clebrex was a life saver. But I am not willing to sacrifice my liver for it. The ER staff told me that they see very serious side effects in Celebrex patients.

Side effects-
I ended up in the emergency room in extreme pain and hyperventilating because of liver problems.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Jane Eaton

Celebrex Prescription Information