Friday, July 20, 2007

Why Do Healthy People Drink Mangosteen?

According to professional journals such as Free Radical Research, Journal of Pharmacology, and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, these Xanthones...are some of the most powerful antioxidants to be found in nature.

While it’s true that most young people are healthy -- and thankfully so -- no matter how old you are, you're being exposed to free radicals by the millions each day.

"It has been estimated that each human cell undergoes ten thousand hits from free radicals each day... causing damage to cell proteins, DNA, fat lipids, and membranes through oxidation. This results in the generation of dysfunctional molecules
responsible for conditions as diverse as cancers, lung disease, dementia, cardio vascular disease and eye diseases." ~ 'The Wellness Options', Lillian Chan

It’s far easier to address serious health challenges BEFORE they begin -- with prevention -- than after they've already taken hold in your body.

If Mangosteen and its Xanthones are making this much visible difference in people's lives (testimonials), then how many more INVISIBLE differences may be going on?

Wouldn't it make logical sense for a healthy person -- of any age -- to begin drinking Mangosteen right away, in order to give the strong antioxidants within the fruit a chance to help PRESERVE their healthy well-being as much as possible?

"...the stage is enhance the likelihood of older persons not only to avoid disease and disability, but to truly age successfully."~ Dr. John Rove

PREVENTION -- Mangosteen can be a key!.

• The medical properties of the Mangosteen juice are well-documented by empirical, laboratory, scientific, medical, and experiential methods.
• The Mangosteen fruit is not system-specific, but pan-systemic -- in other words, good for the WHOLE body.
• Over 40 different Xanthones have been found in the Mangosteen, which are chemically beneficial molecules, each having specific leading properties.
• These health promoting Xanthones help the body in so many ways -- healthy foods help us age more successfully.
• These free radical scavenger/fighters stop pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and help in the body's healing process.
• The "strong" antioxidants strengthen cell walls.
• They kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
• They stop the attack in DNA and even have restorative properties.
• They help the body run as a complete, interrelated and integrated system.
• They help the mind think better, adapt better, and give a sense of well-being (anti-depressant).
• They stop the damage of brain cells so they grow and divide properly and help the cell walls and the neuro transmitters function properly.
• They aid with Alzheimers, and all forms of memory loss.
• They help in the battle against degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and all forms of brain malfunctions.
• They help the VISION process: cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other forms of vision loss may be prevented.

"By controlling free radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life
and death, as well as influence how fast and how well we age."~ 'The Antioxidant Miracle', Lester Packer, Ph.D.

ALSO Visit
Dr. Templeman, author of "Mangosteen, The X Factor", has designed this site to support product-orientated distributors, customers, and health professionals.

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